How truly wonderful and delightful it is to see … sisters together in sweet unity!
Psalms 133:1

Our vision and purpose for women married to ministers or widowed in this generation and generations to follow, is to prepare women for their journey of partnership in ministry and their time beyond partnership.

DIAMWMW unite ministers' wives and ministers' widows in the Denver metro area for the exhortation of God's Kingdom by partnering with each other in ministry, faith-based nonprofits, and other community organizations.

We are enriched through the Colorado Association of Ministers’ Wives & Ministers’ Widows (CAMWMW), the Western Regional Leadership of Ministers’ Wives & Ministers’ Widows and the International Association of Ministers’ Wives & Ministers’ Widows (IAMWMW) organization by informative Bible truth messages and lifestyle models.

Sisters, who are on a journey of life partnership in ministry, regain their identity in Christ sometimes lost behind the robe and pulpit of their spouse. We recognize our Christ-given gifts/talents, the value we offer to ministry, support our local churches, and explore then execute our role in kingdom building.

We promote unity of sisterhood by meeting monthly, supporting our state, regional & international chapters. Through meetings, email and social media, we communicate upcoming events and outreach opportunities. We create a platform of collaboration, encouragement, learning and shared experiences for women through prayer, workshops and our annual leadership conference, held the first Saturday in March. At this conference, the DIAMWMW also provides financial assistance to applicable youth who pursue academic and vocational career goals.

We are more than hats and front seats, we are God’s kingdom builders!